過去世のお話 — 妖精編・セッション編 — 空想の世界に住むポピーちゃんとの出会いの日 ~前編


Poppy was born to a Bulgarian father and a Japanese mother. Mother was bilingual who lived in the UK for 17 years. Poppy was born and raised in the UK but chose to live in Japan after her life-changing 6 month stay in the country at the tender age of 3.


I and poppy were bounded by destiny.

I arrived a little earlier to appointed time. I parked my car and waited inside. Feeling I better purify so applied some frankincense oil on my head and inhaled it deeply. Soon their car returned and there she was – a willowy delicate little girl who broke her smile and ran towards me as soon
as she saw me. She stretched her hand for a handshake and gave me a hug.

I knew this girl, I remember this warmth. I felt as if I had reunited with my long lost friend, despite our 40 year age difference. Poppy invited me inside and took me to her room straight away.


Together we ate Easter chocolates from abroad before opening our first session. Poppy noticed quality excellence of chocolates thank to her sharp sense. I stared reading Poppy’s past and she calmly projected the past that she was once a fairy or a natural spirit lived in harmony with nature. I usually read most relevant past which ties with present issue out of many past lives clients have lived. My therapy directly heals their Karma.

I found a Moonin story book on a table and told Poppy’s mother that she used be a proud resident of a fairyland like Moonin Valley and adopting rules of our society was near impossible. In this society we run harsh races to win, whereas Poppy’ fairyland needed neither races nor orders.


Poppy only knows to live her own way, in her own world.

I could see what was going through Poppy’s mind without engaging in proper conversations with her. As I watched, Poppy was busying herself with drawing pictures from the Moonin story book, declaring what she was going to create her own Moonin picture story. Her uncoordinated small hands betrayed her intention here and there and she was getting close to a tantrum. Her mother knowingly added that Poppy often ended up in massive tantrums when she faced difficulties.


This is due to her high intelligence to her physical age and this makes her believe that she could do things in grown-ups way. Despite her clear vision of herself working on tasks with no boundaries, her small self cannot contribute enough to materialize the perfect pictures. This fact brings her dilemmas and disappointments, and stresses her out.

No one is a wizard and anyone needs practice. Moreover, practice alone doesn’t make you an expert. Nothing can be achieved without effort. Poppy, however, believes that instead of practices she just needs to know ‘how’ so she won’t fail to complete the task. Worse, the fear for failure has made her super-cautious and withdrawn.




《雅恵(みやび けい) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》