これであなたもお金持ちになれる! 12のスピリチュアルなお金の法則~12 Spiritual Laws of Money for Your Financial Success(1)


It is amazing to talk about spiritual laws of money as our spirituality says that money and spiritualism have no match.

If you are after spiritualism then there is very less chance that you will be rich because spirituality teaches against money.

However, you would be rich while still the following spirituality. To understand spirituality is another topic but here I am going to present some spiritual laws that too apply on money to become rich.

And the truth is that your spirituality depends upon money. If money is present, your spirituality is running.

So, it is certain that spirituality cannot be against money but our teachers have been preaching the wrong concept of it.

So, in today post, we are going to discuss some spiritual laws of money and if you understand them fully, they will help you to understand your mind and money better.

I hope you will find useful what I am going to present here.

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Let’s start.


1.. Money is Not Good or Bad

You have been taught that money is evil.

However, it is not the case. Money is made by man. Man can be evil but money cannot be.

Money is neither evil nor good. It is just an instrument to use and communicate in business. That is all.

And money becomes evil when it goes to evil people and money becomes donation when it goes to good people.

If you are desiring money for good purposes of life then money is not bad but it is going to make your life good and comfortable.

And the whole purpose of spiritualism too is to make you easy and happy. If you get these things with money then you are fulfilling the purpose of spirituality.

So, from today, never say that money is bad or good. Just take it as an instrument to get things in life. Make it your first spiritual laws of money.


2.. Abundance thinking

If we think on worldly affairs then we see scarcity in the world.

However, if we see on spiritual laws and prospects, then abundance is everywhere.

If you are going to make money then never think that there is scarcity inside the world.

There are abundant opportunities to earn money however, spirituality does not focus on money. It tells about another abundance.

That belongs to your inner abundance where peace, ecstasy, and happiness reside. You are abundant with them.

However, that principle can be applied to money too. Look at money with abundant eyes. There is an abundance of money everywhere.

Only your thinking is on scarcity. What are you going to get out of money? That must be clear to you.

You should be going to get abundance in your life. So, shed your scarcity mentality. Nature is full of resources. Abundance is everywhere should be your second spiritual laws of money.


3.. Not Guilty of Money

Our spiritual thinking teaches us that if we have longed for money then it is not good.

However, as money is not good or bad and we are not going to collect money for bad purposes, so we should not feel guilty of money.

If you want to be rich, then you must be proud of your money accomplishments. Most people do it but when they think spiritually then mostly they think that money will not go with them after death.

So, they start feeling guilty of money. One bet is here that you must earn money with honesty.

If you are making money with unscrupulous manners then it is sure that you are going to get bad results out of it.

So, don’t feel guilty if you are earning money with honesty. It should be your third spiritual laws of money.

Spiritual money is your inside accomplishments that are happiness, love, compassion, and ecstasy.

And you can do it with money too. You could be happy, lovable, compassionate and ecstatic with money but the bet is, you should set aside your ego, jealousy, cunningness.


Source: https://www.powerof5senses.com/spiritual-laws/