あなたの直感を超チャージする6つの方法〜Six Ways to Supercharge Your Intuition 後編


IDEA #2 Move Outside Your Comfort Zone

People get a little scared of listening to and acting on their intuition because it encourages them to take a risk…make a change.

Motivational speaker Les Brown, once said, “If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.”

Intuition often comes as a little whisper. “Try this new thing,” it murmurs.” “Think about that as an alternative,” it encourages.
What happens when you hear this encouragement?
You’re perfectly normal if the first thing that comes to mind is “What if it doesn’t work?” “I’m not good enough!” Or simply, “This change makes me nervous. I’ll just stay where I am!”

If I had waited until I was totally confident before I left my computer software job to begin an intuitive reading business, it wouldn’t have happened.
If I had waited until I was 100% sure I could write a book before I signed the contract, I wouldn’t have done it.
I like to practice the 60/40 rule.
If I feel 60% sure of something then I make the decision to go ahead.


Do I still feel scared?


The only difference now is that I totally KNOW that the Universe is there to guide me.
It doesn’t put anything in my path that I can’t handle.
I make a conscious choice to feel calm.
I simply affirm, “I can do this. I am supported. I’ll know what I need to do when I need to do it.”

Knowing that allows me to accept change with more grace and without the extreme anxiety that I once experienced.
I know that events may not unfold exactly as I want.
I know that I may be in difficult or uncomfortable situations at times.
But whatever happens, I’ll be fine.

Don’t fall into the trap of imagining that everything has to be perfect.
It never will be. Your task is to figure out what you want.
Then allow the Universe to begin bringing together the resources necessary for you to have your dream.
Then it’s time for you to take a leap of faith and go for your dream.

Don’t imagine that any of the heroes or heroines you look up to hasn’t gone through this same process. They have!
They’ve all been scared as they looked out over the chasm they needed to leap across.

If thinking about risk has you running for cover, you might consider the words of Olympic Gold Medalist Brian Goodell who said, “We all experience doubts and fears as we approach new challenges. The fear diminishes with the confidence that comes from experience and faith. Sometimes you just have to go for it and see what happens. Jumping into the battle does not guarantee victory, but being afraid to try guarantees defeat.”

Taking a risk is about knowing you have to move out of your comfort zone and become a bigger person.
The bottom line is that you can’t get to where you want to be without taking a chance.
So, listen to the whispers of your intuition telling you it’s time for a change.
You may be scared, but your bigger life will be worth the effort.




《Lynn A. Robinson(リン・ロビンソン) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》