

“We are masked!!!!!
We’re masked!
We are masking our Truth!
We masking our truth and now this is being shown to us in the most undeniable way!”


That was my flash realisation during a morning meditation.

Those words struck me like lightning! For me, it was a breakthrough, a moment of seeing a way forward, a way that I could help to ‘be the change’ in this time of crisis. A crisis which – I understood in that moment- is so much more than simply the Covid pandemic…
My meditation breakthrough of

“We are Masked!”, is because I suddenly realised that the collective consciousness is showing us in a blatant undeniable way that we living masked lives! We mask our truth. Especially when we are afraid, we mask our expression and stifle the clarity of our voices. We give the responsibility of our truth away and allow our truth to be controlled. We use the Magic of Lying – all the time! To ourselves, to people we don’t want to hurt, to control how we are seen in the world, to keep the peace and so on. Masking our truth has become a way of safety, especially when we are vulnerable or scared. We have come to believe that masking our expression is acceptable and possibly essential to our survival.
Why do I believe the masks of the pandemic are a reflection of the crisis of Humankind masking our truth?

Because of my path, my work, my life has become about shadow work (healing through the deep subconscious.) This journey has taught me to perceive life in a different way from how I used to. It taught me to see my life as a map as a reflection of my consciousness and subconscious. When there is something going on that is uncomfortable for me I visit my subconscious and find a root reason why it is manifesting. Once that reason is uprooted it slowly leaves the map of my life – my reality changes. This can also be applied to collective reflections. When something is happening on a collective level there is a root cause in the collective shadow. With the collective shadow, I am seeing it in the world I can dive in and uproot it within me and help the reflection/manifestation to change – of course- when it comes to the collective shadow the more of us that do the faster it will change.

One of the best ‘rules’ of shadow work is that when you are seeing/experiencing something uncomfortable and unignorable in the map of your life it is because it is ready to be purged/healed/released.

My meditation moment of realisation was that what we are seeing reflected in the COVID “wear Masks” crisis, from a shadow-work perspective means that the collective consciousness is ready to purge and release our habits/responses/reasons that cause us to mask our truth.

How exciting that we as a humankind tribe are ready to be un-masked?

It’s epic that we are getting ready to be in the full and reverent expression of our truth!
What a world we could have if we all unmasked our truths now?
The masking of our truth is most certainly a bigger collective crisis than the Covid pandemic. Politically, Socially, Environmentally the masking of truth has been causing damage for years – it urgently needs to be addressed. I believe the time is Now for us to Unmask!


I am not writing this to debate whether physical masks are the right or wrong thing to do in this Covid -crisis. Everyone is holding their own truth around that. Whether you believe wearing a mask is the right or wrong thing. No-one can actually wants to live in a world where people are masked. It’s Uncomfortable (ready to be purged!)