これであなたもお金持ちになれる! 12のスピリチュアルなお金の法則~12 Spiritual Laws of Money for Your Financial Success(4)


11.. The Game of Money and Spiritual Laws

According to spiritualism, you will die with empty hands. Great Skindar died with empty hands and he was on the way to win the whole world.

So, it is a game of life. Money too is a game. It is just a vehicle to make smoothness in business communications.

Real money is inside you that is you. If you forget yourself during your money-making game then you have lost everything even you are a multi millionaire.

Keep your individuality intact and it should not depend on your money.

Take money-making as an honest game.


12.. Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool in spirituality. If you have no gratitude in your life, you are not spiritual.

Gratitude brings satisfaction, peace, and harmony in life.

Similarly, if you are not feeling gratitude for what you have in money making field, you live with an upset mind.

And an upset mind can never take important and wise decisions of life. An upset mind can never be determined, resilient and goal achieving.

He will soon become fed up and give up.

You need infinite patience and resilience to be rich. And that comes with gratitude. Whatever you make even 1 dollar a day, feel gratitude for it.

And with that peaceful mind, take your next decision of money making.



Money is not evil. It is here for our help.
We need money. We cannot live without it in this sophisticated world.
So, don’t hate money but make it a spiritual game of your life.

Apply these spiritual laws of money and you would be rich.
Create a love for money and not for little one but whatever you desire or wish.
Abundance is waiting for you to get your part as maximum as possible.


Source: https://www.powerof5senses.com/spiritual-laws/