これであなたもお金持ちになれる! 12のスピリチュアルなお金の法則~12 Spiritual Laws of Money for Your Financial Success(3)

スピリチュアリティーはお金を悪者扱いしがちですが、「お金が悪」という考え方は間違いです。 スピリチュアルな道を歩みつつ、お金持ちになることは可能です。経済的成功を手に入れるための法則パート3です。

9.. No Possessiveness

If you are going to make money to rein in the world, then sooner or later somebody else will snatch it from you.

You are on a wrong track. Communists are outside to snatch it from you. In USSR, in 1917, Russian communists snatch everything from big money players.

Big players were the possessors of money. They started taking people similar to money. They treated people like commodities.

And if you have that mindset then change it. You should collect money for the service of mankind.

If you have this mentality then money will flock to you. There are lots of examples outside. Robert Kiyosaki told that he has increased his wealth by giving lots of service to the mankind.

This is one of the basic principles of spiritual laws of money in the modern world.

Robert Kiyosaki
You make money if you are generous.


10.. Remembrance of Death, Money and Spiritual Laws

As we are talking about spiritual laws of money, so death cannot be abandoned.

However, as we are living, we should not talk about death but spirituality depends upon death.

Spirituality means the death of the mind. In spirituality, if you remember death, your progress in this domain is certain.

Similarly, in money making process, you must remember death. As you are living with a mind, so if you will die as a poor person then at your death bed, you will feel guilty.

If you want to be happy at death bed then start making money as maximum as possible with honest ways so that you must have a smile on your face at the time of death.


Source: https://www.powerof5senses.com/spiritual-laws/