私の人生と霊界~My life with the spirit world/マーティン・ジョーンズ 後編

When I was about 6 years old I saw a man standing in the front room of the house my mother still lives in.

He was wearing a suit, he did not say anything to me. I went next door into the kitchen and when I returned to the living room shortly afterwards he was gone. I remember wondering who he was and why he was there. For some reason I did not discuss this with my mother. This was my first experience of seeing a spirit in objective form. He looked as real as anybody else I have ever seen.

My loving grandmother Patricia Quinn died when I was nine years old and this is when I first became aware of my ability to see and talk to people who had passed over to the spirit world. I would often say to mum, nanny’s here and say what she wanted to tell my mother. I love my grandmother very much and I have warm memories of her home in Limerick and her tucking me into layers of blankets and saying the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer. I felt so safe and loved with her.

The second person I loved that died was my grandfather Martin Quinn when I was fifteen years old. I had not seen him for six years before he died due to family frustrations. I remember seeing him in the coffin and touching his face. I was very sad because when I looked at him I realised I would not have recognised him if I walked past him in the street.

My Grandfather’s passing to to spirit world enhanced my awareness of my mediumship and my awareness of the spirit world. I was aware of him being with me every day until I was 21 years old. At this point in my life, suddenly I was aware of him on some days but not others. So I asked him where he was and he replied to me “I was not in your life for 6 years before I died and I wanted to repay that time with you, now its been 6 years”. He continued, “I love you and will always be here when you need me however I will also step away more to explore the spirit world”.


I love my grandparents from the bottom of my life and they both help me with my healing and mediumship.

I had severe asthma as a child. I was in and out of hospital regularly form the age of five until twelve. In total I missed about three years of school due to constant asthma attacks and chest infections

I recall every week going to see my doctor at the local children’s hospital, then going to a different section of the hospital for physiotherapy. I did not like doing this because the physiotherapists would cup their hand and repeatedly hit me on the chest, back and ribs with the intention of loosening phlegm form my lungs so I could cough it out and therefore breath easier. Although this was uncomfortable and often painful, the staff were always very nice and kind. Once we arrived home Mum would sit me in a chair and administer spiritual healing. The first feeling I was aware of was my mothers loving compassion and the warmth of her hands as she placed them on my shoulders or back. I would ask her how does this work and it would make me feel better. Whilst receiving healing I would see the most vivid and beautiful colours and a sense of happiness, love and peace. I would see beautiful shades of blue and purple, I would also see bright green and pink shapes and formations. Many years later I saw the same colours and formations whilst watching TV programs about outer space and the universe.

The wonderful experiences I had receiving healing inspired a curiosity about spiritual healing and I asked my mother to teach me more, and she happily agreed.


マーティンジョーンズ 2019年9月大好評来日!


《Martin Jones(マーティンジョーンズ) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》