Ways of expanding awareness
There are several effective ways of expanding and developing awareness. Many people like to learn more about awareness and perception simply for fun and to increase their own understanding for personal development. Others chose to develop their awareness to help others, for healing, psychic work and mediumship (giving messages from the spirit world). Here are just a few of the methods that I teach to private students and in my workshops.
Walking meditation
You do not have to be sitting to meditate. We live such busy active lives that even the thought of finding time to sit and mediate can be stressful. Did you know you can meditate whilst walking? Here is a simple guide;
The purpose of this is to lookand feel within, not just within yourself but feel deeper into the Divine power of all creation; this will provide healing and upliftment. Divine Energy is so subtle that it cannot yet be measured, so fine it permeates all things and yet so powerful that it has the power to create and demolish all things in an instant. Divine energy is ultimately powerful, intelligent, and benevolent. For many this in known as God, to others the Tao and to the Native Americans, the Great White Spirit.
Here is a simple guide;
Aim to relax and say to yourself “I want to become aware of my Divine connection with all of life”, and see how this makes you feel. Allow the essence of this soft and powerful energy to fill your awareness. If you are outside then you need to gently remain aware of your surroundings in order not to fall or have an accident, yet also be aware of the peace and vibrancy of the Divine energy. Walk a little slower allowing your mind to gently move with each body movement. It’s a wonderful experience being aware of the outside world and your inner world at the same time. You realise how connected you are with everything and it’s the same essence of power that is the spark of all life.
You can experiment and see what works best for you, moving your attention from your limbs moving to your breath. Try visualising and feeling each footstep, steady and deliberate movements are easiest to follow with your mind. If you are in a place with other people walking by, send them love and compassion and ask this beautiful Divine energy to help them be well and happy, this will help them but also fill you with feeling of compassion.
Walking meditation is an excellent way in deepening your understanding of body awareness which is a useful mindfulness tool. If someone is anxious and is overly attached to a feeling or worry and anxiety, focusing on the energy, feelings and sensations of the body calms and soothes the mind. Often when someone attempts sitting meditation they are so very hard on themselves. They have an overly strong desire to attain the highest level of meditation and let go of all thoughts. As I have explained in previous articles this is practically impossible. Our minds are not electrical appliances we can simply switch on and off, although at the end of a long day that may seem like wishful thinking! You do not have to sit still like experienced Zen monk practicing zazen, in order to gain benefit and understanding.
With walking meditation, you can gently learn to focus on the balance of the inner and outer world, allowing one’s mind to travel inside, observing body sensations and feelings whilst holding an awareness of the outside world.
Another advantage of walking meditation is that nothing is needed except your intention and your feet, you can practice this on your way to work or even in the supermarket. Of course, the environment you practice in will determine how aware you need to be of your inner and outer surroundings, for example when crossing a road, you should divert all attention outwards.