We often follow what we are taught by our parents and also subscribe to their religious traditions and belief systems. This has changed a lot over the last few decades in part due to international travel being affordable to a wider range of people, religious texts are easier to get hold of and read, and of course the internet makes previous hard to source material available to most people. A few generations ago the possibility of visiting a Hindu temple in India or a Zen temple in japan was unthinkable for nearly all people outside of the relevant countries. Therefore, freedom to explore spiritual ideas is much easier. This is apparent by the spread of Buddhism within the west over the last 25 years.
Some people like to attach to a certain belief system or way of life, many become devoted and this can encourage them to emphasise spiritual development such as prayer and kindness. I love to study philosophy, science and religion and have been most influenced by Buddhism, Taoism and Spiritualism. They all offer something different, for example Buddhism focusses on this life and learning to be happy by valuing what is really important such as compassion and mindfulness, Spiritualism often focusses on the afterlife, and Taoism focusses on Nature and our relationship to it. These 3 belief systems have all greatly enriched my life and my understanding. Science, and in particular our understanding of the quantum world is slowly enhancing our understanding of energy and vibration and the merging of the often-opposing worlds of science and religion is starting to take effect.
Faith is when our beliefs are based on conviction rather than evidential proof. Listening to how we feel deep inside with love and without the need for too much questioning and rationalisation. Noting is this world is truly back and white, therefore for most people with strong beliefs there will be blend of understanding, faith and experience. And no matter how fixed we are to certain ways of thinking, our experiences in life change our ideas.
I have heard many people talk about Sprit possession and attachment. This is the main focus of the 1973 film The Exorcist. As previously mentioned the human mind is capable of creating fear that is almost unimaginable. People can become attached to their fear and this can be deeply embedded with their thoughts, ideas, religious beliefs, and even their identity. I am not belittling or discrediting anyone who feels they have experienced some form of negative attachment but as I am writing this article based on my own personal beliefs and experiences I am convinced than the Spirit World cannot and does not harm us at all.
Many people exhibit behaviours in this life normally based on a lack of understanding. The need for sex, greed, money, status and power are earthly desires based on our physical and psychological needs, drives, and desires. Once we are no longer attached physically to this world we are able to gain a deeper insight on the unfoldment of life. Love is the only thing that bonds us to the Spirit World and it’s through the power of love that communication is made.
Over the next few decades we will hopefully gain further understanding of different manifestations of energy including our own psychic power and how we can use this to help our planet. It’s my hope too that we will gain a deeper understanding of our relationship to the Spirit World.
The reason behind mediumship and healing
The fundamental essence of ALL types of communication with the Spirit World full of knowledge, love, and understanding. If a medium says something that seems unkind or leaves you fearful then I advise to seriously consider if they are really in communication with the Spirit World or dwelling within their own psyche. Sometimes the Spirit World will give advice that may be challenging and hard to understand or accept but it will always be done in a loving and supportive way. A simple message from a loved one saying they are still alive well and happy can be life changing and empowering to a person to know that death is not the end.
《Martin Jones(マーティンジョーンズ) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》