米国先住民の知恵「他人にすることを自分自身にもしなさい」~10 pieces of Native American wisdom that will inspire the way you live your life (9)

米国先住民の知恵の第9話です。今回はシアトル酋長のメッセージ「他人にすることを自分自身にもしなさい」です。先住民族は「自分」の定義が私たちよりもずっと広いようです。~”What we do to others, we do to ourselves” by Chief Seattle

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
– Chief Seattle, 1854

The idea that all things are connected once again draws direct parallels to Buddhist and Hindu wisdom.

To understand deeply our interconnected and interdependent nature is to understand that we’re all woven together deeply, like one great big tapestry.

To truly understand just how intricately we’re woven together can seem almost impossible, but the idea is simple: what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

This includes not only our actions towards others but also the thoughts and feelings we express in our mind towards others.

Stop separating “I” and “them” and you’ll see that greater peace and happiness will follow.

1st episode:https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko12/
2nd episode:https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko16/
3rd episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko22/
4th episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko24/
5th episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko27/
6th episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko29/
7th episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko31/
8th episode: https://www.el-aura.com/trinity_tomoko34/

Source: https://buddhaimonia.com/blog/native-american-wisdom