「愛はあなたとすべてをつなぐ架け橋だ」ルーミー〜 “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” RUMI


This article will explore the formidable difference between twin flame love and superficial love.

This article was written to educate and inspire you to understand not only what love means in a relationship but what love means to you as an individual.
This article is an excerpt from my new book.

1: Dedicated reflection, introspection and awareness allows you as a powerful individual to understand your journey of love. Understanding your story with love. What you inherited from your family, attitudes, beliefs and understanding of love. More importantly what you know is love at deeper, authentic levels. These many, varied stories are all rooted in our human experience. You are indeed what you have experienced and have been influenced by. Positive and toxic programming is a fascinating continuous starting point. As an individual you may have an incredible inner work journey to consider and complete. Every individual is unique. You must strive to be a clear, fair evaluator. Exact and free of toxic drama that locks tight freedom to experience love in very different ways. At this point you may wish to write down concisely your feelings around love. Be brave. Giving time and space for authentic connection to your feelings and life experiences is key. If you have repeat cycles of disappointment ask the questions,



2: LOVE brings incredible life lessons for every human being on earth. This transcends cultural influences and programming that separates us. This common bond of learning and discovery unites us all. We ALL experience love and we ALL experience suffering. Love is a gift and opportunity to know who we are. Love is the magic that shows us we can be free. Love demonstrates the resource within ourselves that transcends superficial need. We can be more. We can love more. We can deserve more love. Love is the spiritual lesson no matter how strongly contaminated or influenced we are by our history or modern world. All of us dream and hope that we can be touched or blessed by the miracle of love. Of course it is always possible but this journey requires your dedication to understanding your stories and the reality you find yourself in as a consequence of your thoughts and feelings. Yes believe in love. What is critically important is that you know this life-changing fact. It indeed super-transforms your manifestation and transformation potential!

3: If you are reading this article LOVE fascinates you. Love has implored you to search ever further and deeper. You have discovered in me an authentic educator, voice and miracles healer. I selflessly share all I know. What I wish for in every individual I meet is awareness and ultimate freedom. Awareness gives us the choice to transform destructive toxic programming and selfish demands for love. Awareness gives us the opportunity to transform and love ourselves again. What I believe is that we should make sacred the miracle of knowing love everyday. We should seek this within ourselves and life every day. This is the revolutionary yet miracle simple choice. What fascinates is that the limitations of our life become acknowledged reference points of choice. When we truly heal we truly have freedom and choice to choose new journeys in love and life. This is indeed the path of evolution and love. Love is the genius key for health, success and fulfilment at every dimension of living. You succeed in honouring your existence as sacred, understanding why loving and truly living is the only way.

4: YOUR REALITY CHECK- TRUTH. Without any daily, dedicated inner-exploration and self awareness development you will fail in understanding the difference between superficial love and love that transcends stereotypes and superficial demands. Whether you are beginner or serious student this issue constantly surfaces as self-work that is unavoidable. This can be applied to every dimension of life! Let’s explore these examples for a moment. The thirty something woman who dreams of committed relationship and locks herself to superficial demands of attracting a rich man who will fund her lifestyle. Money alone will not manifest deep love she dreams of. This is not her priority agenda. She unconsciously and yet foolishly guides herself to a superficial relationship that is ultimately disappointing. This can results in immense suffering for both individuals. The Law of Attraction is dubious without genuine self work. Superficial love has weak foundations and truth reveals itself eventually. If the individual is wise she will acknowledge her role. Committing to transformation is the truth that opens the path to deeper love, a more authentic self and relationship. Knowing who we are brings knowing what we want. This journey of awareness brings fulfilment and success in life and love.