あなたの内側のCEO(最高経営責任者)の声を聞く方法Vol.4~How to Listen to Your Inner CEO By Lynn A. Robinson

直感からの反応を引き出すために、あなた自身に尋ねてみると良い質問が幾つかあります。Write down any impressions you receive.

● Pay attention to intuitive response(s). Remember, intuition doesn’t usually come in fully formed sentences. A picture, phrase, feeling or a symbolic image can all be equally valuable.

Your notes:                                 







● Write all responses — even brief fragments — into your journal. Try not to edit or analyze your answers during this exercise. That can come later.

Your notes:                                 







Don’t be discouraged if you’re not immediately flooded with insightful wisdom. Intuitive insights have a way of arriving when you least expect them, often coming to mind later in the day. You may also find that an answer that didn’t make sense earlier in the month provides exactly the information you need now. When a great idea comes, make a note of it! An intuition journal is a way to prime the pump for even more valuable hunches and instincts.

Make the time to routinely check in with your intuition and you will be rewarded with faster, stronger and more accurate insight. The benefit? You’ll gain a competitive advantage that will help you — and your business — prosper.




《Lynn A. Robinson(リン・ロビンソン) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》