あなたの内側のCEO(最高経営責任者)の声を聞く方法Vol.4~How to Listen to Your Inner CEO By Lynn A. Robinson

直感からの反応を引き出すために、あなた自身に尋ねてみると良い質問が幾つかあります。Write down any impressions you receive.

4.What do I think about this decision?

Many people have great success with writing a series of questions about their choices. They’ll write, for example, “If I hire Mary will the company’s sales increase?” “If I hire her will this be a positive choice?” “Will she communicate effectively with her direct reports?” “Is she a team player?” “What are her strengths?” “What are her weaknesses?” When you’ve completed your questions, write the answers quickly just as they come to you. Repeat the questions and answers with each potential employee and then assess your answers.

Your notes:                                 







Here’s another example of how to work with your intuition…

Keep an Intuitive Ideas Log

Developing intuition is like developing any other skill. The more you use it the better you get at it. Keeping an intuition journal is a terrific way to expand your proficiency. Keep your ideas written in one place, whether it’s on your PDA, a Word document or a spiral bound notebook.

Many people have found it helpful to create “intuition check-in” points during the day. This is a time set aside, often at the beginning of the workday, to check in with their intuition.

● Sit in a quiet place or simply close the door to your office and hold your calls.
● Consider your concerns, issues, decisions and challenges for the day.
● Write them out in your journal. Give each one a separate page.

Your issue or concern:                             







● Close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths and center yourself.
● Bring each of your concerns to mind one-by-one. Ask questions such as “what should I know about….?” Or, make a statement, “I need information about….”

Questions to ask your intuition: