あなたの内側のCEO(最高経営責任者)の声を聞く方法 Vol.2・3〜How to Listen to Your Inner CEO By Lynn A. Robinson

直感からの反応を引き出すために、あなた自身に尋ねてみると良い質問が幾つかあります。Write down any impressions you receive.


2. Which of my choices has the most “vitality?”

Think of the options you have before you. Which one are you drawn to? Is there one that leaps to your attention? You may experience a visceral response about pursuing this course of action. Remember, kinesthetic or physical sensations are one of the ways that intuition communicates.

Your notes:                                 









3. How do I feel about my choices?

Do you feel excited or passionate about one more than the others? This is one of the ways that intuition will point to the path you should follow. Conversely, if a choice makes you feel discouraged or resistant, you’re getting a strong intuitive message that you’re considering the wrong path.

Your notes:                                 












《Lynn A. Robinson(リン・ロビンソン) さんの記事一覧はコチラ》