あなたの内側のCEO(最高経営責任者)の声を聞く方法〜How to Listen to Your Inner CEO
By Lynn A. Robinson

直感からの反応を引き出すために、あなた自身に尋ねてみると良い質問が幾つかあります。Write down any impressions you receive.

In today’s fast-paced environment, decisions need to be made swiftly and accurately. While many top executives won’t publicize it, intuition is a key part of their decisionmaking success. As management guru Tom Peters says, “The crazier the times are, the more important it is for leaders to develop and to trust their intuition.”


Here’s how I teach my clients to do exactly that:

First, put your calls on hold, shut the door, close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Now bring to mind an issue or problem you’re trying to solve. Ask your intuition a question about your concerns. Examples might be, “What’s the most effective way to market our product?” Or, “How can I win the business of X company?”

As you remain in a quiet and receptive state, pay attention to any images you receive, words you hear, physical sensations you experience or emotions you feel. These are all ways that intuition will communicate with you. Write down any impressions you receive.

Here are some other questions to ask yourself to elicit an intuitive response:


1. What am I ready to act on right now?

Maybe all that’s required is a small step, not a huge leap.
Quite often when you take a step forward, more information becomes available to you. Many people report that as they make an intuitive choice toward what proves to be a correct decision, events begin flowing easily, doors to opportunity open, and coincidences begin to occur.

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